Tuesday 12 February 2013


My sister's dog, Coraline, is a dummy. I mean, sure, she can read and write and is a frequent contributor to this blog, but she's still a dummy.

I was visiting my Nana tonight. To get to Nana's, I have to drive right past Magpie's house. I decided to pop in for a moment to say hi and get cuddles from Cobrastarshine and Coraline.

I pulled up in front of the house, parked, and approached the front door. I heard scuffling through the fence, indicating that Coraline was in the back yard. She knew I'd arrived.

I knocked on the front door and Magpie let me in. Cobrastarshine left his position on the floor next to his Dad and scooted over to see who was at the door, a giant grin on his face. We played for a sec before he found something better to do, and that's when we all heard it: a plaintive wail at the door.

Magpie left to let Coraline in, and in she came, so fast I didn't even see her. All I heard was her toenails skidding on the floor as she clotheslined herself on Magpie's home-made baby gate.

Baby gate demonstrated by by Cobrastarshine and NewNewKitty

After clotheslining herself, Cora stood there grinning at me, tail wagging. Magpie lifted her up over the barrier and she flew across the floor to sit by Noolbenger's feet and look in any direction except for at me, pretending to be cool.

And that is why Coraline is a dummy.