Monday 20 February 2012

Strange Things

Today I was shredding eleven-year-old university correspondence and as one page disappeared into the shredder, I noticed it was printed in Comic Sans.  It was official University of Alberta correspondence, on letterhead, on textured paper, using Comic Sans font.

I was very excited.  This was a beautiful piece of disaster, but voomp, gone, into the shredder, never to be seen again.  This probably happens a lot.  The University probably uses Comic Sans on certain occasions to seem approachable, or even cool.  But for me, this opportunity was gone forever, and I was alone in the office on a stat holiday, evidence shredded.

I considered writing out the amazing fake conversation I had with myself about how sweet and amazing it was that people thought it was a good idea to use Comic Sans.  Especially a university!  That's the kicker!  But it was a stupid conversation.  Everyone knows Comic Sans is the punchline.  Why bother telling the joke?

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