Thursday 3 January 2013


Sometimes, I think about running for political office. I don't know why this appeals to me. I must be an idealist or something. Or a moron.

I recently applied for a Masters of Communication and Technology from the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension.

These two thoughts are connected in that they relate directly to my online activities, especially my blog. Hawk was concerned that some of my more, ahem, colourful posts might place me in a not-quite-flattering light. He suggested that I temporarily set some of my posts to private, which would serve to put me in a better light as well as to showcase my best posts.

In the end, a combination of laziness and pride won out. Because I'd been keeping the politics thing in the back of my head, I'd been careful not to post anything particularly damaging. I think the tone of this blog is rather clear. In fact, if I ever describe it to anyone, I tell them it is a blog about ridiculous things.

What would happen if I self-censored? Firstly, I would feel bad about myself. Secondly, I'd deprive the world of stories like the taco-meat fiasco, my first screenplay, my second screenplay, or samples of my best emails and pictures.

In fact, we'd probably be left with guest posts and maaaybe Love Stories.

I have fun writing my blog, and it's for fun reading (most of the time!). As for its value as insight into my character, I suppose that is yet to be seen.

Happy new year!


  1. Don't censor yourself. Individualism is vital. There is nothing wrong with having fun on your personal blog. I love ready silly things.

  2. If you censor yourself, your true, colourful, wonderful self will not be visible to others. Your blog makes me smile, I really enjoy your creativity.
