Friday, 7 September 2012

Advice Columns

I thought I'd try my hand at answering some of those Wiki Answers/Yahoo Answers questions that are all over the internet. I'll come up with a clever name ... like Ask Aunty Beccs. And I'll post my answers on the question, and here on the blog. If Hawk is free, I'll get his opinion too, and we can help twice as well by giving two sides of the coin for people to look at.

I think I can be really helpful.

What started me on this track is a question I got from a reader, so my first Ask Aunty Beccs column won't be an official internet question, but a write-in one.  Here it is:

Dear Aunty Beccs,

I'm afraid my son might be Italian-American. Here's a picture. Do you have any advice?

Sincerely, an Irish Reader

Aunty Beccs Says:
Dear Irish,
Luckily, his hair is still blond. That's a good sign. Keep him away from pasta, gangster movies, and tomatoes. Feed him a steady diet of potatoes and turnip. Depending on how quickly he recovers, you might want to play some fiddle music.

Hawk Says:
Don't be racist.


  1. Shit, he's had spaghetti for two days in a row. And he likes it.

  2. oh dear! I love to read these blog posts. Fuuuunnnnyyyy!
