Saturday 22 September 2012

Conversations with Hawk

Living with another person is an adventure. Especially after living on my own again for a full year. However, living with Hawk is a special kind of adventure because Hawk is a special kind of person. Caring and sweet, smart and handsome, he is also fully insane.

Not that I'm not also fully insane. I'm the one who stuck a party favour in her hair at work the other day to save it for my nephew. I'm also, obviously, the main participant in the forthcoming conversations, transcribed as faithfully as my shaky memory will permit.

While watching Supernatural:
RED PANDA: Will you protect me from demons if they attack?
HAWK: Of course I will!
RP: I don't believe you. You don't know the first thing about demons.
H: Yes I do.
RP: Well, what's the first thing about demons, Hawk?
H: Um.
RP: Fine, I'll protect you, then! The first thing about demons is to draw a circle of salt and stay inside it! This wouldn't happen if you were a Winchester! [Epic pout]

While discussing a recent blog post:
H: Oh, this isn't about me.
RP: No ...
H: I though it was going to be about me. Your readers want more Hawk.
RP: You asked for it.

Hawk reading at Transcend.

Hawk and I at Transcend today:
[Jeep booms LMFAO.]
H: That's like J-Dawg and I when we'd go out. First thing we'd do is rip off our shirts.
RP: [Grabs camera. Snaps pic as jeep starts to zoom off.]

An example of how Hawk and J-Dawg used to behave when they were younger. Apparently.

I'm out of time, folks. Gotta head to the store for sandwiches, then get ready for the Lions to kick the Eskimos' butts. I'll be wearing my new jersey (story to follow).

As for Hawk?

More of that to follow, too.

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