Sunday 30 September 2012

Football Games: Update


It's me, Coraline, again!

I found something disgusting at Nana and Papa's house.

We were there to play football.

I think Mum is going to catch this ball, or else she is using magic to hover it. I blame the camera angle.

I got distracted by that last photo. Where was I?

We were there to play football.

And I found a football.

An Eskimos football.

Because I am a Superfan, however underappreciated, I took care of it. I took care of it like a TRUE BC Lion. I took care of it like a cougar. Like a puma. LIKE A MOUNTAIN LION.

First, you have to get penetration.

Then, you're in a position where you can really bring the pressure.

Now, you're right in the quarterback's grill. You know what to do.

Lay him flat on his back.

Leave the coaching staff to pick up the pieces.

Now that I've proven just how big of a fan I am, Aunty Beccs, Mum, Dad, Gramps, Grams, please. Please. Let me watch the next game with you.

Thank you.


Some photos courtesty my Mum.
Coraline out for realz


  1. Deer Corlanine;

    Our Mum wus trowing th bal underhadn.

    Yors troly,


    1. That makes sense. I guess I missed this throw because I had to watch Aunty, Uncle, Gramps, keep the other dogs away, and smell stuff. I'm glad I've got my li'l bro to keep an eye on Mum.

      Just a warning though, Cobrastarshine, if Aunty B figures out you can write, she'll have you writing her blog for her. I mean is this really her blog any more? Or is it Mum's, mine, and Mr Finchley's blog? You be careful buddy. Aunty is freaking lazy. My best advice: don't bother learning to spell. That should keep you safe. Aunty is super anal.
