Friday 2 November 2012

Magic Earmuffs

A few winters ago, I discovered a pair of gorgeous white-rabbit fur earmuffs at the Bay for some ridiculously low price. Like $30. Certainly below forty. I saw them. I caressed them. I put them on my head, and then I bought them.

They've been my hat-for-when-I-have-a-ponytail-in for the past three years, and I guess today we're starting our fourth winter together. (Happy anniversary, earmuffs!) They're still in lovely condition, partly because after I dropped them in a mud puddle last year, Magpie took them home and cleaned them for me and kept them for about nine months, so that saved some wear and tear.

Today, I wore them for the first time this winter, and I discovered that Magpie's cleaning had unlocked a new power hidden deep within them.

Here's how I know it is a magic power. This is what I looked like:

Only colder.

As you can see, I'm not exactly at my most attractive in my winter coat and earmuffs, bundled against the cold of November. How then, do you explain what happened to me today?

9:00: I'm rushing to work. I am later than I want to be. I still have to cash my paycheque before grabbing my coffee and heading to the office. I cross the street to the Second Cup (yes, the one where once I stood without my keys) and a young man addresses me.

"Excuse me," he says. I lift one of the muffs off one of my ears. I note that he is wearing construction gear, crossed reflective stripes on his vest, a black toque, and that his face shows obvious signs of FASD. "Yes?" I reply. "Are you single?" he asks me.

Taken aback, I pause longer than normal for this sort of question. It's not that I've forgotten Hawk, it's just that I was expecting him to ask for directions or change. "No," I say, and move on.

I told Sandcat about it later on that day, and we both had a chuckle, but neither of us suspected it had anything to do with me. Now, I still don't think it's me, but I do think it's the earmuffs.

Why the earmuffs?

Well obviously because it happened again with a different guy this evening!

Hawk is heading out on a mandate tonight with Mr. Crow so I decided to stop at Oodle Noodle for supper. 

17:30: I pause for a red light. A young man pauses beside me. He glances at me, away, back, then says he is new in town and begins to ask about the neighbourhood.

So, we do a walk and talk until he pops into Wener's shoes which had been recommended to him: but not before pausing outside, introducing himself as Rider, and shaking my hand.

Remember what I looked like?

Except colder.

Thank you, magic earmuffs, for making me attractive to men NOW THAT I'M STUCK WITH HAWK.

Did someone say stuck? LOVESIES!!


  1. did you get a new winter coat?

  2. Man, men NEVER hit on me. I should have kept those damn things.

    1. Their power was not unlocked until they were returned to me.
