Sunday, 18 March 2012

Breaking News Stories

Red Panda, Intrepid Reporter on location here on 104th Street in Downtown Edmonton!  Boy do I have a news story for you!

First Hawk and I heard sirens!

But we hear sirens all the time so I went and put on my fuzzy sock-slippers because my feet were cold.

They were in my stocking, Christmas 2010.  Thanks, Hawk!

After  I got my socks on, I took a peek out the window and I saw this!

No comment.

It seems this is more serious than we first suspected.  They've sent out the big hoses.  But where's the fire?

Oh, there it is.  It must be in this building all these displaced people are staring at.

They're standing awfully close for an emergency situation.

Wait a moment, I've got something coming in through my earpiece.  ... uh-huh ... okay, right ... I'm on it!  Hawk is telling me that there are more sirens and the displaced people are on the move!  Let's get a shot of the evacuation!

Too slow, Red Panda!  Learn to use your camera already!

Well, it's been about five minutes, and the sirens have ceased.  That means they're either fighting flames furiously, or everyone has gone home.  Let's check back in on the scene.

Where there's no smoke, there's no fire.

What an enormous let down.  Time for a drink.

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